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Les boutiqueuses
25 octobre 2014

Wrap along / Robe portefeuille

Wrap along / Robe portefeuille
This is the first dress I sew for me. It's not perfect, but it's wearable, and I'm satisfied. I still have a lot of progress to make with sewing knits (I don't own a serger and it's only the 3rd knit item I sew) and with choosing the right size for me...
9 octobre 2014

Toulouse craft fair / salon Tendances créatives de Toulouse

Toulouse craft fair / salon Tendances créatives de Toulouse
Today was just like one day in heaven… or what heaven looks like to me anyway: I learned a new craft (felting), I shopped in the biggest craft shop I've ever seen (actually dozens of different little shop specializing in different things, please check...
6 octobre 2014

Knit tunic / Tunique en jersey

Knit tunic / Tunique en jersey
Right after the huge success of the knit leggings, I decided to try my hands on a tunic to go with them. It turned out great but I really can't let my daughter wear the two together: it looks too muche like she's got her jim jams on! Today she's wearing...
Les boutiqueuses
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